Friday, 16 September 2011

So... why a blog?

So why am i blogging??

Well, i guess for me, ive always kept notes/journals/ and things like that, to document important stuff in my life. And i have lost track of my LJ updates cos they were always so angsty - plus people in RL know me on there. Not that i dont want them to read this either - but there is all the ranty angsty back history there.

For those interested in even more backstory:
Snowys LJ

But, nevertheless, i wanted to start afresh, with something new.

This blog will be about me and my adventures in my life, specifically with what my relationship is like.

The reason behind blogging about my relationship, is because im Ace -  which is the blanket term for someone who is asexual - or any sort of shade of asexual - demi, greyA, semi, aromantic etc.

Im in a relationship with a guy who is sexual, and given his choice, we would be " doing it like bunnies" 24/7/365 or so he says :P

So one would think this kind of relationship is doomed from the start - cos god knows people end relationships on a whole lot less than mismatched sex drives/arousal. But we work.
We have known each other for 11years, have been best mates for 5 of those, on and off relationship wise for 5 of those. and have been together long term now for 7 months ( 12th Feb 2011 is our anniversary).

This will be about the adventures, the ups and downs, the funny and the sad , the angry moments, the vents, the bouncy happy stuff, and the excitement that is my relationship... an ace/sexual relationship from the aces perspective. I want to show that not ace/sexual relationships are doomed. I want to show that they CAN work and they DO work.
It hasnt been easy, and i wont ever be easy. But if i wanted easy i wouldn't with him.I dont want just anyone, i want him, faults and warts and all. For the ease of typing he will be know as his online name Blizzard.

So if you dont really care for knowing what this is kinda of relationship is like - you dont have to keep reading, but it would be nice if you did :)

So yeah, welcome to land of the mixed sexual drive/arousal rel - god that sounds clinical. I think i will stay with ace/sexual.  Eitherway. Enjoy. Feel free to ask questions.

Snowy ( for those of you from AVEN, im SpirallingSnowy!)

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